Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Un Grand Poste

Fountain at Versailles 
Even though my boys are thoroughly exhausting, it's time for a proper post.  I've done quite a lot since I've been here... lots of traveling.  So let's jump right in shall we....

After exploring a bit of Paris with J, my host-parents took me to Montmartre to the Sacre Coeur and to Versailles later in the day.  The amount of tourists in Montmartre was ridiculous so I didn't take any pictures.  Above though, are some of the gorgeous flowers in Versailles.  If I made my way I would have spent hours taking pictures of them.  

Your author, in full on tourist mode.

Next we left for Bretagne to a little summer village called La Trinitè sur Mer.  I met the boys for the first time, and they loved the Team USA shirts I bought them for the olympics.  They slept in them every single night.  

I'll let the pictures speak to how beautiful this place was.  I highly encourage clicking on them to see a bigger view.  

Pretty much every single house had breathtakingly beautiful hydrangeas.  Again... if I had my way I would have spent hours taking pictures of flowers... Alors.  After almost a week in Bretange it was time to go back to Ile de France... but first a quick detour... 


...to Chartes!  I won't bore you with all the historical background.  But it totally trumps Notre Dame in Paris... where I am happily back home.  

Upcoming posts...
-What I miss most about the US
-Really weird things French people do...
-The hunt for the best Pain Chocolat 

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