I'm not going to toss around the word, "brilliant"... but, I just had a great idea. The other night I was talking to my French family about cooking and they
So, here I was, a day or two later sitting on my bed, staring absentmindedly at my computer screen when food popped into my brain (this seems to happen more often than not). I think the thought process went something like this...
... and from there I reached the conclusion that I should compile all the recipes I like best from America, like Spaghetti and Meatballs (See. I made the connection.). Wait a second, that sounds like a cookbook!
Unfortunately, I come from a family where on any given week day we are alternating between dishes from Southeast Asia or Sicily (don't ask). Not so American. This is where you come in. I need you to send me your best American-esque recipes that I can compile to form a makeshift digital cookbook aptly titled something like, "F*!@# YEAH: America Cooks." Or something.
Supply a recipe and I will give you a copy and a written review from Alphonse and Victor. Ages five and seven, respectively.
OK... so one day Matt wanted a hot dog (Hebrew National, of course, the healthy hot dog) But i looked and had nothing to wrap it in. So...the mistress of invention wrapped it in a tortilla and closed it with a toothpick after applying a slab of ketchup. Now called Matt's Hot Dog Roll. More to follow