Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Still sick.  Still up to my elbows in kleenex and lukewarm tea.  Still daydreaming about travels.  While I of course plan on seeing what I like to call the, "euro-pass fratastic cities"... London, Rome, Prague, etc... I am dead set on seeing countries that most don't ever make it to...
Currently I am fascinated with the basin countries of the Adriatic Sea...

Some pictures I have seen of Slovenia look absolutely breathtaking.  Bon Appètit just recently did a write up about how wonderful the food is there.  I also love that you can't spell Slovenia without love. 

A friend of mine told me Croatia was just as beautiful (if not more) than Italy.  I may have to agree with him. Plus, A Game of Thrones is filmed here... If I'm going to be a Khaleesi, I'll have to start somewhere, right?  

Do I need to say more?  Cheap too.  

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